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2024 से शीर्ष 20 MARCH 7TH (HONKAI: STAR RAIL) हेनतई तस्वीरें (और अधिक)

march 7th (honkai: star rail) wiki

A character in Honkai: Star Rail. A girl found frozen in ice by the Astral Express Crew. Unable to remember her own name, she decided to call herself "March 7th", in reference to the day she was found. She has multicolored eyes-Pink and Blue, pink hair, and medium breasts. She wields a giant bow. Voiced by Ogura Yui. (Source: Danbooru Wiki)

वैकल्पिक नाम:

March 7th (honkai: star rail) Rule 34

रैंडम एनीमे गर्ल्स


एनीमे लड़कियों की शीर्ष सूची में